Buccal Fat Removal
What are the dangers of buccal fat evacuation?
The decision to have surgery to remove buccal fat is very personal. You will need to decide whether buccal fat removal surgery is worth the risks and potential complications, as well as whether the benefits will help you achieve your objectives.
The risks of surgery will be explained in detail by your plastic surgeon and/or staff. In order to ensure that you are aware of all risks and potential complications, you will be asked to sign consent forms.
The potential dangers of buccal fat expulsion medical procedure incorporate, however are not restricted to:
Risks associated with anesthesia include:
asymmetry, bleeding, deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications, fluid accumulation (seroma), hematoma, infection, injury to a salivary duct, injury to facial nerve branches, resulting in temporary or permanent facial muscle weakness, numbness, or other changes in sensation, persistent pain, poor healing of incisions, the possibility of revisional surgery, prolonged swelling, an unsatisfactory aesthetic result, and/or minimal changes It is essential that you discuss all of your concerns with your plastic surgeon directly.
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